Since 2011, Brasco Filtration, a division of Brasco Group has positioned itself as a firm leader and contender in the design, manufacture and implementation of Dust Control equipment in areas to name a few, Cement, Woodworking, Mining Sector and Pharmaceutical.
Brasco Filtration with its combined knowledge and experience of over 80 years in the industry, designs and manufactures filters and complete units for every standard, and unique application for various industry.
Brasco Filtration manufactures mobile filters, “plug on” or insert-able filters, stand-alone Dust Collector Units, Baghouses for larger applications and Pressurization units with an extensive range of accessories that make Brasco Filtration the most complete, modern, safe and innovative player in the market.
Brasco Filtration carries out ongoing intense research and design activities on new systems and techniques which aim to guarantee every client the best working operation for every application.
Brasco Filtration is at the forefront when applying Occupational Health and Safety to every employee in the workplace, ensuring continuous dust-free working environments. The Group provides air filtration systems suitable to de-dust operations all over South Africa and recently ventured into Sub-Saharan Africa as well.
We are proud to say that we now have a compliment of 9 teams in several provinces and are growing daily.