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We have 11 teams on the road and clean over 150 kitchen extraction systems a week which is why we are one of the leaders in the kitchen extraction industry. Using our intensive cleaning system where we physically climb into the ducting, we are able to reach more than just “arm’s length”. We not only clean the full extraction system, we also clean the interior of the canopy hood. We scrub and scrape everywhere possible to ensure a thorough clean. Particular attention is also paid to the area behind the grills “the plenum” as this is where grease build up materialises, being so close to the heat source, it is imperative it’s cleaned to the highest standard.

Filters are removed, soaked in our specialized tanks which heat up with a powerful cleaning solution, rinsed and replaced.

Where access panels are needed but not fitted to the ducting, out trained technicians can install access panels in the relevant places to ensure we clean everywhere possible.

Brasco offers Industrial dust filtration systems, filter bags, kitchen deep cleaning, kitchen canopy cleaning, ANSUL fire systems, filter cages and more
Brasco offers Industrial dust filtration systems, filter bags, kitchen deep cleaning, kitchen canopy cleaning, ANSUL fire systems, filter cages and more



You can be sure that your fans will be cleaned too. We clean everywhere accessible and if requested, we can install access panels either side of the fan, where required. This will ensure that not only the fan blades, motor and casing, but the fan silencer, extraction grille and extraction filter housing are cleaned.

After the clean has taken place a post clean report is carried out. This will include before and after photographs of specific areas e.g Pre canopy, Post canopy, 1 metre from canopy etc. In areas that have raised concerns during the clean, these will be highlighted in the report. A measurement of airflow is done using a digital anemometer to determine sufficient airflow once cleaned.

You will then be issued with a Certificate of Compliance which can be given to your insurance company.

This can also be used if Environmental Health Inspectors or Fire Risk assessors turn up. It can be used as evidence to show you’ve taken action to minimise fire risks within your building.


We work with you to undertake the cleaning at times that is convenient for you and your business needs and therefore we operate 24 hours, 7 days a week.



Dirty, greasy kitchen extraction ductwork systems pose a serious fire hazard - filters simply cannot eliminate all the vaporised grease that commercial cooking causes.




• By not maintaining the ventilation system, you are putting anyone working in your kitchen at risk.

• Fats and oils can quickly build up in the ducts, reducing the quality of the ventilation system. As a result, bacteria can breed freely and harmful particles in the air cannot escape.

• As well as dramatically reducing air quality, infrequent cleaning of kitchen extractor systems is also a major fire hazard.



Insurers may not always pay a claim if the duct system was found to be the cause of the fire spreading - especially if it could be demonstrated that the system was not properly cleaned or maintained.


It is the responsibility of the shop/restaurant owner as well as the landlord to ensure that kitchen grease extract systems (canopies, filters, ducting and fans) in all commercial kitchens are compliant - as required by the buildings insurance policy, in accordance w,ith Fire Safety and Workplace (Health, Safety & Welfare) Regulations. As well as the SANS act 1850:2014 (ed.2.00)

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